What a great day
Thanks very much to everyone who turned up to race or just spectate yesterday. 70 people turned up and 17 cars raced. The police did a drive by but were nice enough not to enquire.
The winners were:
- Overall Distance winner : Simon, "The finger".
- People's Choice winner(s): Sandy "McSketchy" and Vikki "Rocketcar"
- with special kudos to Monarch the dog and the kids who raced
Thanks to the racers:
- Ivy "Ivy's Car"
- Eddy "Wocketcar"
- Austin "Lightning 1 + 2"
- Me "The Farm" and "Son of Natural"
- Phil "Wheel"
- Simon "The Finger"
- Simon "Milk Crate with Tonka"
- Sandy "Fyling"
- Sandy "McSketchy"
- Will "Bullet of Death"
- Mark, "The Can, Man"
- John, "Hover Car" (broken)
- Wombi, "Rocket Shamen"
- Vikki, "Rocket Car"
- Monarch (the dog) "Scoobie Doo"
- Marty "Not banned yet"
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